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Alt 05.03.2015, 15:07
Benutzerbild von Pep.Santos
Pep.Santos (Offline)
Special Member
Registriert seit: Jul 2011
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 1.238
Web Babe Pookie


Party All Star Model

My Horoscope Sign: Gemini
My Favorite Movie: Spring Breakers!
Tattoos/Piercings: Only one, my belly button!
Pets: Do boys count?
My Favorite Music: Electronic Dance
What Makes Me Happy: Sunset beach parties with rum!
My Favorite TV Show: Tosh.0
My Guilty Pleasure: excessive shopping
If I could have one super power it would be: Mind control
One word that would describe me best: Confident!
Personal Motto: If you can't handle the SASS, you can't handle the ASS! Xoxo!!

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Alt 05.03.2015, 15:10
Benutzerbild von Pep.Santos
Pep.Santos (Offline)
Special Member
Registriert seit: Jul 2011
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 1.238
Standard Pookie - Netzfund 4x

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Alt 05.03.2015, 16:04
Benutzerbild von Pep.Santos
Pep.Santos (Offline)
Special Member
Registriert seit: Jul 2011
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 1.238
Standard Pookie - Florida Fantasy 11 x

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Alt 05.03.2015, 16:09
Benutzerbild von Pep.Santos
Pep.Santos (Offline)
Special Member
Registriert seit: Jul 2011
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 1.238
Standard Pookie - Cheeky Schoolgirl 14x

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Alt 01.04.2015, 17:55
Benutzerbild von Pep.Santos
Pep.Santos (Offline)
Special Member
Registriert seit: Jul 2011
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 1.238
Standard Pookie - Favorite Bikini 15x

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