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Alt 11.04.2008, 16:32
AmunRe (Offline)
ehem. User
Registriert seit: Jun 2007
Ort: On The Other Side
Beiträge: 9.190
Sängerin Csezy



Csézy has won Eurovíziós Dalverseny 2008, the Hungarian national selection, with the song Szívverés which has subsequently been translated as Candlelight and will thus represent Hungary in the second Semi-Final of the Eurovision Song Contest on Thursday, 22nd of May in Belgrade.

Csézy won the Hungarian national selection of the Eurovision Song Contest with the song named Candlelight, and she will participate in the Semi-Final in Belgrade. The local final took place in Budapest, and during the show 15 songs were performed. Among the contestants, not only newcomers, but also highly popular singers and bands tried to achieve the first place. The Hungarian viewers voted for Csézy, the young, beautiful and exquisitely talented singer.

Csézy was born in November, 1979 in a small town far from the capital, called Mezőkövesd.

Her childhood was a little bit different from the one of average children, since Csézy's parents considered it extremely important to provide high-level musical education to their daughter from a very young age. This lead to her comprehensive musical qualification, which covers various fields, she is not only a singer of great talent and much creativity, but also plays on the piano.

Csézy graduated from the Béla Bartók Music Department of the University of Miskolc. Afterfinishing school, she toured with intensity in the company of her former classmates, and they did not have to wait too long for their first success. In Spain, the group won the first prize at an international contest where they were singing local folk and polyphonic songs. If we are talking about folk music, mention must be made that Csézy was born in a family which is proud to preserve Hungarian folk traditions, namely she is the last descendant of the worldwide famous Matyó dynasty.

In 2007, Csézy's childhood dream came true when her debut album hit the shelves of Hungarian music stores. There was no doubt about her classical background, but in order to gain a wider audience, she wanted to show her talent in the field of pop music as well. The first single from the album became a huge success in Hungary, since local radio stations picked up the moving ballad immediately. The spectacular, visually fantastic video prepared for the song also remained in high rotation of Hungarian music TV channels for weeks.

Candlelight,the song that Csézy will perform in English at the Semi-Final of the Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade, is another beautiful, heartbreaking ballad. The composer is Viktor Rakonczai, its lyrics were written by Imre Mozsik. Viktor Rakonczai's name might be familiar to those who have been following the history of Eurovision Song Contest, as he was one of the singers of the boygroup named VIP which, representing Hungary, had attended the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin in 1997. At that time they finished the contest in an outstanding 12th position. Now Viktor is eager to return to stage of Eurovision as a musician, since he will accompany Csézy on the piano at the event.

It is also worth saying a few words about the superb background vocalists. The four guys are members of the a cappella vocal band called Fool Moon. The band was formed in 2001 by five young men, each with a solid background in classical and light music. The group has been invited to take part in numerous a capella events and festivals throughout Austria, Germany and The Netherlands. Fool Moon is also the winner of several international contests of the said music genre: the International Ward Swingle A Capella Contest in Graz in 2005 as well as the Sixth Taiwan A Capella Contest in 2006 just to name a few.

So now, the future for Csézy looks brighter than ever, and she is ready to conquer Europe by singing the fantastic song, Candlelight.

Csézy will represent the Hungarian Television at the Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade
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Alt 23.08.2009, 11:05
gombi (Offline)
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Sängerin Csezy x3

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