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Alt 18.12.2008, 01:14
KingBongPille (Offline)
Special Member
Registriert seit: May 2008
Ort: Rheinfelden
Alter: 42
Beiträge: 2.772
Unbekannt Maura Rivera

Maura Rivera is a Chilean dancer. He is currently a member of the stable "Clan Red", the program Rojo Fama Contra Fama of TVN, also participated in the election campaign Sebastian Pinera. Among the achievements of the dancer are a Hard gold, winning the competition of the "Symbol" Red, and mark the "peak" of the highest line of this program. It is considered a sex symbol. Measure 1,65.
last competencionen which participated Maura Rivera, the "Big Red", faced the winners of the first three generations evidence totally new to the program, the 15 singers and 16 dancers participants only be 8 each line, which would receive a contract for an entire year with TVN. Maura Rivera earned during the competition a staunch public support, which led to ever happen to chapel and to take part in "Clan of Gold". Rivera was eighth in the competition for the jury notes.
While it was already known in the national average, it was not until a musical in the show singers of the "Great Red" in the second season that Maura Rivera consolidated its position as one of the most popular "Rojo Fama Contra Fama." The dancer was able to score with their music at the peak of the night and the highest in the history of the popular program, 44 points.


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